<p class="Paragraph"><help:key-word value="Paragraph; add bullets" tag="kw65899_1"/><help:help-text value="visible">With this icon you can give the marked paragraph bullet points or undo the marking with bullet points.</help:help-text></p>
<p class="Paragraph">The type of bullets is defined in the <help:link Id="65849" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"><span class="T1">Numbering/Bullets</span></help:link> dialog. <help:switch select="Program" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"><help:case select="WRITER">The icons on the <help:link Id="67578">numbering object bar</help:link> allow you to quickly modify the structure of the paragraphs. These can be obtained by activating the object bar with the help of the arrow button at the right border. </help:case></help:switch></p>
<p class="Paragraph"><help:switch select="Program" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"><help:case select="WRITER">In the <help:link Id="67683">Online Layout</help:link>, some numbering/bullet options are not available.</help:case></help:switch></p>
<p class="Paragraph"><help:switch select="Program" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"><help:case select="IMPRESS">The distance between the text and the left text frame and the position of the bullets can be determined in the dialog under <help:link Id="65801"><span class="T1">Format - Paragraph...</span></help:link> by entering the left indent and the first-line indent. These indents can also be easily determined with the mouse on the ruler.</help:case></help:switch></p>